Loon Friendly Lakes Certification Program
an Environmental Stewardship Program for Lake Communities in the Adirondacks
Photos provided by Loon Friendly Lakes participants for Upper Saranac Foundation, Saratoga Lake Protection and Improvement District (SLPID), and East Shore Schroon Lake Association (ESSLA), 2024.
What is the loon friendly lake certification program?
The ACLC’s Loon Friendly Lake Certification Program (LFLCP) promotes community-based environmental stewardship to better protect loons and their aquatic habitats. Adirondack loons face many threats — some natural, and some caused by humans. What we do know is that a healthy lake habitat is critical to support thriving loon populations, and vital for all wildlife.
The goals of this program are:
Provide training about loon natural history and biology, including what loons need for healthy habitat and topics related to overall lake health
Encourage action and participation in activities that support communities in understanding the current status of their lake ecosystem
Provide supplies that groups can install or distribute to help educate others
Support groups in the activities that make sense for their unique communities/lakes
Working together, Adirondack residents and visitors can help minimize and address many of the threats to healthy lake habitats to better protect Adirondack loons and other wildlife.
Why should my group seek Loon Friendly Lake certification?
Loon Friendly Lakes Certification acknowledges the dedication of community members concerned with the health of loons on their lakes. Certification also signals to others that the community takes stewardship of its lake seriously for the benefit of both humans and wildlife. When lakes are healthy for loons, they are healthy for other species, and when people are informed about how their actions impact the ecosystem and wildlife, everyone can thrive. Loon Friendly Lakes status can help promote positive and responsible behaviors from visitors and locals alike.
Want to learn more? Register for an online info session on Monday, April 21 at 6 pm EST.
Ready to sign up? Click to register for 2025! All groups seeking certification MUST complete a registration form - both returning and new groups.
Registered Loon Friendly Lakes participating groups will be given access to a password-protected portal where they can access documents, resources and information about the Loon Friendly Lakes certification process.
how does my lake earn Loon Friendly Lake Certification?
To earn certification, Loon Friendly Lakes participants are asked to complete the following:
Submit a $100 participation fee to help support the ongoing costs of materials and staff time to support this program
Share access to three online training sessions with members of your group - these trainings are available to increase understanding of loon natural history and behavior and threats to loon survival. They will focus on learning more about loons generally, as well as special topics and feature guest speakers when possible. We ask that at least one person from your group try to attend each training.
Complete stewardship activities from a list provided to all participating groups. In 2025, the list of activities will be larger and will give participants more choices about how to earn certification. Activities include tasks like:
Provide ACLC brochures and educational materials to lake residents and rental properties to educate visitors about loon-safe boating and recreation practice
Place “Help Protect Loons” signage at boat launches
Install and monitor at least one Fishing Line Recycling Container at your lake
Organize a lake clean-up in your community
Monitor an ACLC-approved nest raft on your lake
Participate in a biodiversity survey
and more!
In 2025, ACLC is partnering with other Adirondack Park stewardship initiatives to offer even more options for how to earn Loon Friendly Lake Certification. Healthy lake ecosystems benefit the whole community, so we support a whole-community approach to stewardship. This year, if groups participate in CSLAP, ALAP or APIPP, this will count towards Loon Friendly Lake Certification as well.
Small actions make a big difference to the loons on your lake!
check out past Loon Friendly Lakes Certificate recipients
Click on the image to the right or the button below to view an interactive map with each participating lake’s location.
2022 Certified Lakes
Augur Lake - Essex County
Big Moose - Herkimer Co.
Brant Lake - Warren Co.
Brantingham Lake - Lewis Co.
Friends Lake - Warren Co.
Loon Lake -Warren Co.
Lake Abanakee - Hamilton Co.
Lake Clear - Franklin Co.
Mt. Arab Lake - St. Lawrence Co.
Eagle Crag Lake - St. Lawrence Co.
Rainbow Lake - Franklin Co.
Raquette Lake - Hamilton Co.
Schroon Lake - Essex Co.
Schroon Lake (East Shore) - Warren Co.
Sixberry Lake - Jefferson Co.
Trout Lake - St. Lawrence Co.
2023 Certified Lakes
Big Moose Lake - Herkimer Co.
Garnet Lake - Warren Co.
Friends Lake - Warren Co.
Lake Abanakee - Hamilton Co.
Loon Lake - Warren Co.
Mirror Lake - Essex Co.
Rainbow Lake - Franklin Co.
Raquette Lake - Hamilton Co.
Schroon Lake (East Shore) - Warren Co.
Sixberry Lake - Jefferson Co.
Sixth and Seventh Lakes - Hamilton Co.
Snowbird Lake - Oneida Co.
Star Lake - St. Lawrence Co.
Tripp Lake - Warren Co.
2024 Certified Lakes
Big Moose Lake - Herkimer Co.
Brant Lake - Warren Co.
Brantingham Lake - Lewis Co.
Bullet Pond - Essex Co.
Canada Lake - Fulton Co.
Cranberry Lake - St. Lawrence Co.
Eagle Lake - Essex Co.
Friends Lake - Warren Co.
Garnet Lake - Warren Co.
Horseshoe Pond/Deer River Flow - Franklin Co.
Lake Abanakee - Hamilton Co.
Lake Clear - Franklin Co.
Lake Placid - Essex Co.
Loon Lake - Franklin Co.
Loon Lake - Warren Co.
Piseco Lake - Hamilton Co.
Rainbow Lake - Franklin Co.
Raquette Lake - Hamilton Co.
Saratoga Lake - Saratoga Co.
Schroon Lake - Essex/Warren Co.
Sixberry Lake - Jefferson Co.
Sixth & Seventh Lakes - Hamilton Co.
Tripp Lake - Warren Co.
Trout Lake - St. Lawrence Co.
Tupper Lake - Franklin Co.
Upper Saranac Watershed - Franklin Co.
We look forward to continuing to build this program!
We are eager to work with our LFLCP partners to receive feedback and continue to build this program in ways that help increase our impact for protecting Adirondack loons and the ecosystems they depend on.
The Adirondack Loon Friendly Lake Program was developed with support from the Freed Foundation and Northern New York Audubon with a grant from the Joseph and Joan Cullman Conservation Foundation.
This project is funded through grants from the Blake Nuttall Ornithological Fund, Glenn and Carol Pearsall Adirondack Foundation, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service on behalf of the Bouchard Barge 120 Buzzards Bay Oil Spill Trustees.