Visit the Adirondack Loon Center!


Winter Hours

10 am - 5 pm Wednesdays - Saturdays

We are closed Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays during the winter season.

The Adirondack Loon Center is located at 75 Main Street in Saranac Lake, NY.

As the primary resource for loon conservation in NY’s Adirondack Park, this dynamic facility serves as a vital hub to share our science-based knowledge of loon ecology with Adirondack residents and visitors throughout the year.

Visit us to learn about Adirondack wildlife and environmental concerns through one of the Adirondacks’ most charismatic icons – the Common Loon. View our exhibits, shop for loon-inspired gifts, and engage with our friendly staff!



Welcome to Claire de Loon!

Meet our mascot: Claire de Loon!

We are excited to welcome our new mascot, Claire de Loon! This magnificent bird was created by Larry Robjent of @robjentsculptures and his students from North Country School, including River, Adela, Marley, Dexter, Jack, and Emma.

After a contest for a name for the new sculpture, Claire de Loon was the clear winner. Some honorable mentions include Addie Parker, Lucy Loo, Looney Tune, and Eloonor. Thank you to everyone who participated, and be sure to stop in and say hello to Claire de Loon next time you’re in town!

The sculpture is made of 100% recycled metal (with red golf ball eyes), including scrap construction materials and retired maple sap can lids. Before the students painted her, she was powder coated by Saranac Lake’s own Matt Woodruff.

Larry Robjent and his students have also created other sculptures in Saranac Lake, including Tessie, the lawn serpent, on Woodruff St. and the Bug Crawl – a series of insects crawling on various buildings around the Village.

Larry and his students were grateful to the Adirondack Loon Center for the opportunity to do a fun sculpture. “It’s awesome having the kids connect with local businesses and endeavors, and to be able to create a lasting additive feature to a great organization,” said Larry. “It was a wonderful project to work on, and the kids had a blast working through the design challenges.”

Check out images from the creation process in the gallery below.