Results of the NY Loon Census

Click to view the trends of New York Loon Census observations over time.


Click on the map to view the yearly results for an individual lake. Then zoom in and click on the lake you are interested in learning about.

Click on the map of the NY Loon Census lakes to view the yearly results for an individual lake.


Annual Ny Loon Census Results

View specific results for each year including a map of that year’s Census lakes and a table of the number of loons observed on each lake that year.

The 2023 Annual Loon Census Results are currently under review. We expect to have the results by early spring, 2024. Please continue to check this page for updates, as we will post the final results on this page. We will also send out updates through our newsletter, so be sure to subscribe!

Thank you for your help with the NY Loon Census!

We look forward to having you join us on the water next summer!

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